Friday, January 31, 2014

The Bond Top

Today I'm on the Bond Top Pattern Tour for Stacey from Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy Crafts.  This is Stacey's first pdf pattern release for her new company, Beatnik Kids.

The Bond Top Pattern is a unisex shirt designed with a fun, European style to it.  The main part of the shirt is constructed from knit fabric while the bib and collar are sewn from a woven cotton.

I mixed the pattern up just a tad by adding coordinating cuffs to the end of the sleeves and by omitting the buttons from the center placket.  The mix of poplin cotton fabric and interfacing I used added enough body to the collar and placket that I didn't see a need to add the buttons.

Stacey's design is fun and unique, so it was no surprise that my daughter wanted to wear her new shirt the moment I finished it!  I sewed her the size 6 based on her chest measurements, and it is a perfect fit.

Partial plackets and collars like this shirt offers are still a bit tricky to me, but by going slowly and really thinking through the details, I managed it just fine!

This smile makes sewing that much more fun for me!  I sure do love her!

To check out all the other Bond Tops sewn up for the pattern tour this week, be sure to visit Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy Crafts and follow all the links.  If you want to grab your own copy of the Bond Top Pattern, you can get it today for $2 off the regular price of $8 using code BONDTOP!

Thanks for stopping by and have fun sewing!

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